Wire-o Journal - Da Vinci - Medium..( Lined both sides - Black wire-o )
By Piccadilly Journals

Suitable For Recording Every Adventure How notable is a blank notebook? How much can be said, other than the paper is taut, the spine is sure, and the cover is attractive? This cover, with images drawn by DaVinci, enhances the memories inside. It is not the purchase of a blank notebook that clamors for a review. It is the use. Mine, now tattered and shorn of its original color, and its spine, now feeble and loose, has known value. The years will take their toll on any notebook. This one will do just fine. The pages held well the ink of many years, chronicling the names and stories of loves lost, found and lost again. It did not buckle under tears, or tear under the angry scraping of my pen after the ending of what should've been. The spine did not bend or break when she left, and I threw the notebook across the room. The pages did not leave their shelter when I slipped the book quickly into my bag when I met her best friend, whose name was later written with a punctuated smile. The spiral binding will suit most needs. --Brockeim

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